Sokkhak Spa

sokkhak(1)sokkhak(2)Visiting a spa is one thing many of us might consider doing while we’re in Siem Reap. There are many to choose from. Starting at the chairs at the side of the road where you can get a 10 minute massage for $1 to places where you can go all day and spend thousands.

We have though, through exhaustive research decided to highlight just one place, which is moderately priced and offers consistently great service. Sokkhak Spa.

sokkhak(3)You can find it by going along the main Sivutha Boulevard. Look out for X Bar, opposite Pub Street and go down the small road beside it. Sokkhak is about 50m down the road on the right hand side. Easy to find.

When you get there, it just looks perfect. There is a garden at the front with plenty of water. That’s always calming. Cross the stepping stones and you might as well be entering another world. You are greeted by the staff, polite, friendly and welcoming. They speak excellent English. The reception area is tastefully decorated and shows already, the degree of professionalism you will soon come to expect. When you have selected your treatment, and decided if you want a male or female masseur, it’s time for the experience to really begin. Protein water is brought and you can sip it and start to get into the mood. If you choose aroma therapy, you’re offered a choice of 6 oils. I asked for a relaxing oil and eventually opted for lavender.

sokkhak(7)Then your masseur is introduced to you and a bowl is set out for foot washing. Just relax. The masseur is expert at this. He adds the flowers and lime to the warm water  and bathes your feet. Comfy house slippers are substituted for your shoes and you are taken out the back to one of three separate treatment rooms. Here the calm really descends. There’s a huge “monsoon” shower, and towels to dry off. Lay on the massage table and through the hole in the headrest you can see a bowl of water with flowers floating in it. Peace descends, the treatment begins.

sokkhak(8)It’s obvious from the first smoothing strokes the masseur has been thoroughly trained in the art. All the masseurs are trained in-house and can not work on clients until they have spent many hours perfecting the skills. You drift away. The masseur works on relentlessly. The peace descends, and your mind is in another world.

All too soon it’s over. But you’ve been re-energised. The oils have done their job and will continue to do their job as they permeate your body. You step back into reception and are greeted by a hot tea and a generous slice of mango. Welcome back to the real world.

Yes, I had a fantastic experience. They offer far more than just aroma therapy: wraps, scrubs, facials, head & shoulder massages, and more specialised treatments. The packages are complete. For the ultimate pleasurable time, try Sokkhak.

You can read all about the Spa on their website

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