Welcome to Siem Reap

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Wheelchairs in Angkor!

ats-wheelchair1I met with a chap called Khemara.He’s been advertising a lot on facebook recently, and I admired some of his ideas. He turned out to be a really nice man, with loads of ideas to help the tourist get the best out of their trip to Angkor.

The particular idea that caught my eye was that of having a special tour for users of wheelchairs in Angkor. It’s obvious when you think about it, that some people, whether for age or disability can’t walk around the temples. That shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the beauties that they have to offer. Khemara has set up a dedicated team to help you around the best temples if you need assistance. ats-wheelchair2They know which temples are accessible by wheelchair and, in addition to a driver (and a guide), have a dedicated care assistant to help.

He told me that two of the temples that are high on any tourist’s list are Angkor Wat and Bayon. Angkor is fairly easy to push a person in a wheelchair around, as long as you don’t want to go to the top of the central temple. However Bayon presents more challenges. “Everyone wants to have their photo taken with the faces at the top of Bayon”, said Khemara. ats-wheelchair3“With our team we can help you up the severe steps and make sure you get the best views in comfort.”

They don’t, at present, have a modified van, but the team will ensure you can get in and out of the transport with ease and dignity – something that caring people know is important.

So, if you’re disadvantaged and need assistance, Khemara can help. He can collect you from the airport, take you to a suitable hotel, and provide assisted tours of the temples.

ats-wheelchair4Oh, and should you be able bodied and need a tour with an added twist, Khemara offers regular tuk tuk tours. However his tuk tuks are fitted with 3G wifi – he uses the Smart network, great in the Angkor Park – and can allow you to connect to his battery powered modems. This means you can upload your favourite new photos to facebook AS YOU TRAVEL! Look mum, I’m in Angkor!

ats-wheelchair5He has many other great ideas and I think we will all be hearing more about Khemara in the future.

For more information see Khemara’s website on http://www.angkortransportservice.com/

Photos taken with permission and thanks from his website