My Story

ChamroeunThis is a different section. Here we have a number of interviews with interesting people. They are the sort of people, who if you pass them in the street, you’d not look twice. But … each one has an interesting job with an impact on the visitor here. From a performer in a show to a circus director. From a schoolboy to an elderly weaver. Some interviews are short and language may be difficult, some are longer and more complete. But read on and find out “My Story”

Sambor’s Story – A tale with a sad twist


Lek Sambor (in the traditional way, his first name is Sambor) is a bright, smart 24 year old. His grasp of English is close to perfect and we were able to have a chat without the need for an interpreter. I sat down and recorded his story, and the conversation … Read More →

B.F.T. and Sedtha’s Story


Sometimes I have hard jobs to do as a journalist. However this must rank as one of the hardest coming up. I’ve just met a most fascinating man with one of those extraordinary stories. I recorded a 30 minute interview with him and now have to condense it into around … Read More →

Siem Reap Pagoda Cats – Josette’s Story


Josette is an unusual lady. To hear her speak brings visions of Édith Piaf to mind – there’s a superficial visual resemblance too. She speaks perfect English with a strong French accent (and by the way also speaks Japanese and passable Khmer too). We went and met Josette at the … Read More →

S.H.C.C. (Self Help Community Centre) – Sambat’s Story


Some time ago we wrote Tip’s story – remember the lad who has aspirations to become Prime Minister (click here for the story). Tip lives in the Kro Bei Riel Commune, about 8km from Siem Reap. In that story we briefly mentioned the S.H.C.C. However we didn’t do the S.H.C.C. … Read More →

Battambang – Hoeub and Chantrey’s Story


Our Battambang feature this week combines a “My Story”. Hoeut Hoeub and Mon Chanthy are two students at Phare Ponleu Selpak in Battambang. They are currently in Generation 6 and part of the show “I lost my bike” which you will already have seen the report of here. They agreed … Read More →

Sean’s Story


The story of Sean Borland makes a different one indeed. Like so many people he came here and was warned before he came “People come here and can’t leave”. Sean came for a month and six months later hasn’t left yet. Sean is 29 and from Glasgow. You can’t miss … Read More →

Meak’s Art


Meak on the left and his friend Heang on the right I first came across Meak’s work at a “Garage Sale” held at Under Construction. One of the people there – a nice lady called Natasha – had a table and was selling (amongst other things) pictures. I remarked how … Read More →

Kid Dropped Out


From L. to R. Suy Sopheap (17), Yeang Bory (12), Yen Rachit (14) and It Neang (13) Education in Cambodia can be a pretty hit or miss affair. Yet it is generally accepted that good education is one way out of the poverty trap youngsters find themselves caught in. The … Read More →

Pheap and Srey Meas’ story


Pheap and Srey Meas both go to the Spitler school. Following our story yesterday on Sarin, we thought it would be a nice touch to interview a couple of the students. I was collected by Sarin in the school’s tuk tuk. He told me they provide it for taking a … Read More →

Sarin’s Story


We have been contacted by Danny Spitler from the Spitler school, who has given us this story for our site. Tomorrow we will be offering the story of a pupil at the Spitler school, so you can see first hand the influence this remarkable man has had. For now, read … Read More →

Now for something completely different …


I was having a break in one of my favourite bars – Under Construction – and I got talking to someone I’d not seen before. As the conversation progressed, I told him what I did (the SRP) and he told me he was a photo-journalist. George turned out to be … Read More →

80 Breakdowns – Ben’s Story


You know how these crazy ideas go. One day you’re sitting at home, minding your own business, a group of mates come round, you get drinking. You’ve already driven a car from London to Mongolia, and someone comes up with the title V8nam. Drive from London to Vietnam in a … Read More →

Ratha’s Story


“The Adventure” starts its second short run at Phare tonight.It’s on now for 4 days. For those regular readers of this blog, you may remember Chamroeun’s story. If you’re new, or an infrequent reader, you may be one of the hundreds who read our story on the latest show at … Read More →

Monk Blessing and Sokhun’s story


Cambodia is largely a Buddhist country. It is practised by around 95% of the population. The religion is based around the more than 4,000 monastery temples in the country. Known locally as Pagodas or sometimes Wats, they are administered by monks. You will frequently see them around town, wearing their … Read More →

McDermott Galleries


Some time ago we featured an article on Art Galleries in the Old Market area. At that time we teased you with the promise of an interview with John McDermott – the photographer who has put his name on the McDermott Galleries. Recently I met John and had a really … Read More →

My Story


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Apocryphally attributed to Mark Twain. The Post … Read More →

Garden of Desire – Ly Pisith’s story


I’ve just spent an hour, talking to a most extraordinary man. Yet this man said in his own words, “this is not an amazing story. I am a lucky one.” He went on to complete the quote, but I shall return to it later. This is Ly Pisith’s story. I … Read More →

Pita’s Story


Pita is 22. You can see him on the right when he was 14 (he’s circled in red). He’s another “ordinary” Khmer with an extraordinary story and we’re proud to have met him. We felt this story came out better as a narrative, rather than an interview and hence the … Read More →



Charlie’s Bar. The tale is inexorably linked with Charlie’s story. So, we will tell the two together, and hope you enjoy it. The first question? Why publish this article today? There are two reasons. Charlie’s has been open a month today. Also, we wanted to advertise his 4th July party … Read More →

Sister Srey


Life’s too short for bad coffee. So goes the slogan on the back of the tee shirts for Sister Srey. I went to a really great café the other day. I was a little naughty, because I went on a Sunday morning, when they were busy, with no appointment and … Read More →

Touy’s Story


During our visit to Prek Toal floating village, we had the privilege of chatting (through two interpreters) to a wonderful lady called Nov Touy. In Khmer fashion her family name is Nov, and her first name is Touy. She works as a water hyacinth weaver at the Osmose Platform and … Read More →

Tip’s Story


Cambodia is a country with a young population. 30% are under 15. Over 50% are under 25. With the average number of children in a family being around 6, and infant mortality decreasing, this trend is set to continue. As a tourist you will mainly see children selling small goods … Read More →

James does Cambodia


James is a bright, 12 year old from Australia. In many ways he’s an average kid. He likes to do all the things normal 12 year olds do – soccer, computers, you get the picture. However, James has one major difference from most of his friends. He lives in Cambodia. … Read More →

Tuk Tuk Bar – Hong’s Story

Hong at his "house"

There’s a very interesting bar in town, called the tuk tuk bar. We have been watching it on facebook, and when they announced the “mini tuk tuk bar” I decided to go along and visit. However, this turned out to be more of an adventure than I had thought, and … Read More →

Kea – Show Manager


The last (for now) of our interviews with the cast of the Station Bar Show, features Kea. He is a dancer in the show, but more than that, he’s the show’s director. His English is good, so we didn’t need a translator. Here we go! Q. Hi, I understand you’re … Read More →

Chamroeun – Stage Director at Phare


I had been promised an interview with one of the cast of Tchamlaek, and we set this one up with Chamroeun. He is the stage director for Tchamlaek and is a generation 1 artist of Phare Ponleu Selpak. His English is poor (he does speak fluent French), so he told … Read More →

Rothnak – motorbike driver


Siem Reap has more than its fair share of tuk tuk and motorbike taxi drivers. They are everywhere. As a visitor you get hardened to saying “No thanks” as you pass them in response to the question “tuk tuk sir”. Many of them will drop their voice when you say … Read More →

Spider Boy – Ponleak


  Ponleak is a student at Angkor High School here in Siem Reap. In addition to this he works at Rosana Broadway and the Station Wine Bar. I previously interviewed Muang and Tola who have the same background. However, in their case, they can just concentrate on the shows. Ponleak … Read More →

Phare Ponleu Selpak


Today I met with Dara, who is a co-director of Phare, the Cambodian Circus in Siem Reap. We chatted for about an hour, and I found him to be the most hospitable and interesting man. I won’t write this story in interview form, as it would take up far too … Read More →

Rosana Stars – Muang and Tola


    Tola Muang Stars of the Rosana Broadway show   I was lucky enough to meet two of the nicest people in Siem Reap, Tola and Muang (pronounced. Mong). They work at Rosana Broadway in the massive production there, and also at a small wine bar called the Station … Read More →