What’s that odd star? Why do almost all boys become monks? What is the etiquette if we want to visit temples? Can we photo … You know the sort of questions that need asking and we know the answers. Read on to find out.
Pchum Ben

Pchum Ben is a festival particular to Cambodia. It is a fixed 15 day period, starting on the 20th September and ending on the 5th October. It has its main days at the end – 3, 4 and 5 October. These are National Holidays. The first 14 days are also … Read More →
Preah Ang Chek, Preah Ang Chorm and Ya Tep

Highway 6 goes right past the Royal Palace and crosses the river at this point. On the Palace side of the river are two shrines. One is in the middle of Highway 6 itself, and we will come to that soon. The one on the North side of the road, … Read More →

If you walk around the streets of Siem Reap around 5pm, you are bound to see groups of youths, standing in circles or in pairs, kicking something between them. This is SEY. Known in other countries by other names – Hacky sack, kikbo, kebane, chapteh or a host of other … Read More →
BBQ Khmer Style

Fancy something a little different to eat? Fancy, shall we say, destination dining Khmer Style? Where the meal is not the point of the evening, it’s going to the place with a good group of friends and having a good time? Try a Khmer Bar be que. But try one … Read More →
Vesak Puja

Theravada is the dominant form of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma (Myanmar) and Laos. Theravadins combine observance of Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death into one holiday, called Vesak, Visakha, or Wesak, and sometimes Buddha Day. Vesak Puja is the most holy day of the year for Theravada Buddhists, … Read More →

“Running amok, sometimes referred to as simply amok (also spelled amuk, from the Malay meaning “mad with uncontrollable rage”) is a term that is used for a sudden outburst, usually aggressive or violent, and is preceded by a dissociative episode of brooding over some perceived wrong towards a person or … Read More →
New Year’s Star

Maybe you’ve noticed, but as the Khmer New Year approaches, every house and business in Siem Reap gets a “star” hung outside it. These vary in size and are made of a wire frame, with coloured cellophane stretched over it. The outer circle is decorated with tinsel. The legend is … Read More →