Advertise with us

We offer many different forms of advertising and can help you with a package to suit your budget and expectations.


► Can be placed at the top of any page (500 W x 100 H pixels)
► Hyperlink to your own website

USD 100/year (per banner, discounts available when you take several)

Post Listings

Friends Listing

srpad-friends► Short description (up to 50 words)
► Contact info
► Link to website
► Link in Friends section sidebar
► One picture (400 W x 300 H pixels)

USD 100/year

Special Friends Listing

► More detailed description (up to 250 words)
► Contact info
► Link to website
► Link in Special Friends section sidebar
► Up to 4 picture (600 W x 800 H pixels)

USD 200/year

Post Packages

Bronze Package

► Friends Listing
► Every second month a 500 words post + 4 pictures (6 posts/year)

Either four Quarterly payments:     USD 220 (1 x USD 130 + 3 x USD30)
Or a single Annual payment:         USD 200 (save USD20)

Silver Package

► Friends Listing
► Every month a 500 words post + 4 pictures (12 posts/year)

Either four Quarterly payments:     USD 340 (1 x USD160 + 3 x USD60)
Or a single Annual payment:         USD 300 (save USD40)

Gold Package

► Special Friends Listing
► Twice each month a 500 words post + 4 pictures (24 posts/year)

Either four Quarterly payments:     USD 600  (1 x USD300 + 3 x USD100)
Or a single Annual payment:         USD 550 (save USD50)

Diamond Package

► Special Friends Listing
► Your own private page with own sub-header
► Twice each month a 500 words post + 4 pictures (24 posts/year)

Either four Quarterly payments:     USD 800  (1 x USD500 + 3 x USD100)
Or a single Annual payment:         USD 700 (save USD100)

Text links are free and encouraged, providing you return the link to our site.

The Siem Reap Post –

You are more than welcome to use one of our banners -


Siem Reap Post . com

Please hyperlink this to our site.

Contact Us

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can

SRP-media-pack-1To download our media pack, click here.